Sunday, September 12, 2010

Japanese Contest

Today on Sunday 12Th of September some grade 5's, 6's,4's and 3's Participate in the Japanese speaking convention.

I would like to thanks our Japanese teacher Kagawa Sensie and Mrs Selthiefield for giving there time up to help us to get to the place we wanted to be at. Thanks and to everyone that did the Japanese Speech convention You did sooo great be proud!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Our very own Lesson with the Ballet Company from Melbourne!

On Friday 13Th of August the grade 5/6's had Participated in a Ballet lesson from the Out there Ballet company that came down from Melbourne to do a Workshop with the 5/6's.

It had only cost $5 for us kids to participate in the ballet. We worked on our counter balancing and making moves in a count of 3 or 4 counts and stay in that position. We made up small dances with only two people, then we split into fours to make a short dance. After our second brake we all gathered in the hall for this performance they had put together.

At the end of the day we were all still excited and asking questions and ready to go home and tell our family!

Thanks too our teacher who put this together for us!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Eye Twister

Procedure for a boardgame.

Procedure for a boardgame.

Audience: People who would like to play Guess Who.

Title: Guess Who.

Goal: To figure who your opponent's game card player


Equipment: The Board Game,

Player Cards,

and People to play (Only two).

Steps of how to play:

1. Get the boards out. And set it up so no one can see your faces.

2. Pick your charater from the deck of cards. And make sure your opponent's can't see it.

3.Put your face from the cards and then keep it in front

of you, and start to ask some questions to eliminate your opponent's.

E.g Is your mystery person wearing a hat? If they say

yes. You flip all the players with hats flip them over.

4. You will find the winner when you guess your

opponent's mystery person's face.

Options: You can only play with two people. But you can team up and play against each other.

Evaluation: Did you like the game?

Was it fun?

Who won?

Would you play it again?

Why did you like it?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

O.O Me o.o :) so you want to talk to me :D :P


My name is Tah-lia. my compassion's are Dancing,Singing,drawing,active sports, and most of the school's subjects apart Maths!!!! -.-'' , I really want to go to La Ca when i grow up. ( Los Angeles California)

I am 12 years of age! My birthday is June 10th. In winter brrrr....

Well thats most about me !!!
